BUS7B57 – Resourcing and Talent Management

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesBUS7B57 – Resourcing and Talent Management Word count: 1000 words Krita Infomatics Best Academic Writing Services Objectives to cover: Introduction Include a variety of illustrations and academic writing to present your work. Present your work in a short and concise way, whilst communicating your research and findings clearly. Remember to approach your work with…

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Managing Business Effectively Through Recovery In The Face Of Technological Advancement

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesManaging Business Effectively Through Recovery In The Face Of Technological Advancement Word count: 3500 words Krita Infomatics Best Academic Writing Services The Report has Two Activites: Activity-A: Part of the report investigates managing finance and recording transactions to minimise costs responsibly within the hospitality sector (LO1) Learning Outcomes: LO1: Investigate how to manage finance…

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Business Research

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesBusiness Research Word count: 2000 words Krita Infomatics Best Academic Writing Services To what extent did the COVID-19 pandemic affect Avianca’s profitability, liquidityand solvency in 2022?– This investigation is meant to be developed under the conceptual lense of IB Finance.– (Avianca is a colombian airline). Guidelines – Select a real business issue or problem…

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Digital HRM’s impact on employee performance post-Covid

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesDigital HRM’s impact on employee performance post-Covid Krita Infomatics Best Academic Writing Services Word Count : 2000 words Task Structure of the paper: 1) Full paper contents – Introduction, Literature review, Method or Methodology, Data analysis(if any), Result & discussion, Theoretical and practical implication (if any), Conclusion, acknowledgment (if any) and References.2) Paper Formatting…

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Strategic Management in UNILEVER

– Comprehensiveness, depth, and relevance of analyses and discussion (40%)
– Extent to which concepts and theoretical frameworks are incorporated (30%)
– Inclusion and analysis of required company information (20%)
– Clarity and coherence of writing and correct adherence to the submission guidelines (10%)

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4BU006 – Learning for Business Success

Demonstrate an understanding of graduate skills, employability skills and the changing labour
market; what the key skills are, how they apply to graduates generally and more specifically, how
they apply to themselves (using a variety of diagnostic/self-audit tools) and what is needed in the
changing labour market

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7015MHR – Strategy and International Business

The aim of this coursework is to conduct strategic analysis using appropriate tools/techniques for an international organisation of your choice. The analysis should evaluate the strategic position of the organisation and its current competitive strategy, identify current or potential challenges, and accordingly set directions for strategic development.

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RBP020L086 – Problem solving and research methods

Your work will be assessed by a subject expert who will use either the marking criteria provided in the section “Instructions for assessment” or the Marking rubric enclosed in the Appendix, as appropriate for this module. When you access your marked work, it is important that you reflect on the feedback so that you can use it to improve future assignments.

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MMP7IMK – International Marketing

1. This assignment must be submitted electronically by 4.00 pm on the submission date.
2. To submit electronically you must upload your work to the e-submission area within the respective module on Moodle.
3. Multiple drafts can be submitted up to the submission date.
4. Please remember you must leave at least 24 hours between submissions if you make changes to your

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7043SSL – Organizations and Strategy

To perform this task you should first analyze the industry or sector environment to understand the competitive pressures organizations are exposed to. To aid your analysis, you should then consider organization(s) that gained attention through ethical misconduct. After examining their organizational structure and culture, a critical evaluation of the organizations’ ethical behavior in the context of strategic decision making might follow.

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MG5590 Business Planning

Thetask is to, as a group, discuss and create each element of the business plan. Each group member will have a fixed role, based onone ofthe distinct elements of the business plan (Strategy, Marketing,Finance, HRM, Operationsand, if a group has six members, Key Issues and Future Development). The roles are not pre-assigned, the groupsneed to agree which individual will undertake which role.

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7042SSL – Global Business Environment – Evolution & Dynamics

In preparing your answer you may find it helpful to reflect on some of the following questions (please note the report does not require you to answer these questions, they are merely to stimulate your thinking):
o What resources do States have that MNCs want? Conversely what resources do MNCs have that states want?
o How can States use their resources to exert power over MNCs and vice versa?

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BSM748 – Global Business Environment

The purpose of these materials is to help you prepare for the coursework​
Important for you to decide how to approach your coursework assessment and what to include in your assignment​
Assignment Content and Instructions: ​
Students are required to submit a report of 3,000 words (+10%) on the scenario in the following assignment brief…

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7016SMM – Marketing Strategy & Planning Control

This assignment is an individual marketing report which requires you to produce a marketing plan on a Health Insurance Company/brand of your choice. The report must utilize the marketing planning process and recommend future strategic and tactical marketing plans for the company/brand for a medium term (at least 3 year) period in a geographical market of your choice.

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CRKC7001 – Organizational Behavior

Provide a complete assessment of the company you are currently working for using the assessment tools from this course, which should also have been discussed in your Interim Assessment paper (McKinsey 7-S framework, Balanced Scorecard, SWOT Analysis, PESTLE, etc.). If you were the CEO, what would you change and why? Please provide your recommendations for change, and “Before” and “After” Organizational charts showing the current management structure and how you propose to change it and why.

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7050CRB – Entrepreneurial Practice

This is an individual assignment based on a critical analysis of a real organisational issue and includes a presentation of findings. To complete this assignment you must choose one out of the three case studies videos provided. You will base your assignment on this chosen video. If you use a different case study to the ones provided you will fail and receive 0% grade.

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B9MG008 – Strategic Marketing Analysis

This module will be delivered using blended teaching and learning techniques. Each week will consist of a number of different activities in the order of incremental complexity.

The class activities will include formal lectures using powerpoint slides and online material, class discussions and role-play, Business Game scenarios, Group learning both collaborative and competitive

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MG 5561 – International Marketing

Main Objective of the assessment
The coursework is required to cover all learning outcomes, as it is 100% of the assessment.
• To demonstrate an understanding of International Marketing
• To show how an understanding of both the theory and practice of International Marketing
• To show a good understanding of the subject matter of the individual essay

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MG5633 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management

The essay should provide the state-of-the-art of the literature on one of the above topics, based on relevant academic journal articles. Students should identify
and analyse all relevant articles for the topic chosen in a minimum of 2 ABS listed journals for a time frame at least since 2017 onwards. The recommended
structure is

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Biochar amended landfill soil cover

Your assignment should be word processed (handwritten assignments are not accepted), using time new roman size 12 font, double spaced, with umbered pages and your student number printed as a footer on every page.
The word limits stated for this assignment excludes the reference list at the end of the assignment but includes all text in the main body of the assignment including direct quotations, in-text citations, footnotes, tables, diagrams and graphs).

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7004SSLA – Decision Making and Risk – CW2

1. Identify and critically evaluate sources of data and information and use data to make strategic decisions.
2. Comprehend the range of tools and techniques available as support for decision-making.
3. Critically assess the various influences and factors affecting the process of decision-making.
4. Identify and analyse risk-based decision-making to make informed choices

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7004SSLA – Decision Making and Risk – CW1

1. Identify and critically evaluate sources of data and information and use data to make strategic decisions.
2. Comprehend the range of tools and techniques available as support for decision-making.
3. Critically assess the various influences and factors affecting the process of decision-making.
4. Identify and analyse risk-based decision-making to make informed choices

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7002SSL-Project Management-CW2

This assignment is designed to assess the following learning outcomes:
1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the role of project management within organisations to deliver successful change
2. Demonstrate competence in planning a project within a given organisational context.
3. Critically evaluate the application of project management methodologies and techniques used to organise and plan project time, cost, resources, and people.
4. Demonstrate critical understanding on how cultural, communication, leadership and teamwork affect international project management.

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7002SSL-Project Management-CW1

This assignment is designed to assess the following learning outcomes:
1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the role of project management within organisations to deliver successful change
2. Demonstrate competence in planning a project within a given organisational context.
3. Critically evaluate the application of project management methodologies and techniques used to organise and plan project time, cost, resources, and people.
4. Demonstrate critical understanding on how cultural, communication, leadership and teamwork affect international project management.

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Essentials of HRM

 All Questions carry equal marks.
 All Questions are compulsory
 All answers to be explained in not more than 1000 words for question 1 and 2 and for
question 3 in not more than 500 words for each subsection. Use relevant examples,
illustrations as far as possible.
 All answers to be written individually. Discussion and group work is not advisable.

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Strategic Management

 All Questions carry equal marks.
 All Questions are compulsory
 All answers to be explained in not more than 1000 words for question 1 and 2 and for
question 3 in not more than 500 words for each subsection. Use relevant examples,
illustrations as far as possible.
 All answers to be written individually. Discussion and group work is not advisable.
 Students are free to refer to any books/reference material/website/internet for attempting

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Operations Management

 All Questions carry equal marks.
 All Questions are compulsory
 All answers to be explained in not more than 1000 words for question 1 and 2 and
or question 3 in not more than 500 words for each subsection. Use relevant examples,
illustrations as far as possible.
 All answers to be written individually. Discussion and group work is not advisable.

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Business Communication

 All Questions carry equal marks.
 All Questions are compulsory
 All answers to be explained in not more than 1000 words for question 1 and 2 and for question 3 in not more than 500 words for each subsection. Use relevant examples, illustrations as far as possible.
 All answers to be written individually. Discussion and group work is not advisable.

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Business Law

 All Questions carry equal marks.
 All Questions are compulsory
 All answers to be explained in not more than 1000 words for question 1 and 2 an for question 3 in not more than 500 words for each subsection. Use relevant examples, illustrations as far as possible.
 All answers to be written individually. Discussion and group work is not advisable.

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Thesis – Literature Review and Methodology

A logical background that appropriately reviews the literature pertaining to your specific research
problem provides meaningful context for the reader, whilst establishing your credibility as a scholar
who understands your field and has identified an important area for research. The literature review
therefore provides appropriate context and a well-defined research question creates clarity for the
rest of your thesis strategy.

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Methodology Choice and Rationale

Moving forward from alignment, you are required to provide the rationale and detail for appropriate
research methods for your research project. This should include consideration of the ethical issues
and recommended implementation of the ethical principles for your chosen method as well as initial
consideration of the types of analysis and interpretation that would be undertaken.

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The purpose and overall aim of your research will be revealed through identification of the broad research objective(s). You need to clearly identify what the purpose of the research This will be based on what you are trying to achieve with your research. This section aligns to your background and clearly addresses a gap in the current literature in your field.

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WD-40 – it’s an almost universally known brand and core product. Their core product is synonymous with being used to stop hinges squeaking, or loosening rust affected nuts and bolts. While none of us really think about it, it’s the sort of product that almost every house will have a tin of – either in a shed, or under the laundry sink, or tucked away at the back of the cupboard underneath the kitchen sink. Every home mechanic reaches for the can if there is a nut or bolt they can’t undo. Indeed, it was once noted that 4 out of 5 U.S. households had a least one can, let alone the amount sold

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Impact of Visual Communication and Multi-Media Campaigns

1. Title page: Start with giving a clear title to the report that explains your work. Mention your name and the date on which the report was created on this page.
2. Summary: This includes a brief paragraph about the objective of your business report, the data collection strategies you adopted, an overview of the report, and your findings.
3. Table of contents: Include a table of contents in your report to help the reader easily navigate through the content.
4. Introduction: The introduction should include information about your project, the purpose of the report, along with the context and background of the work

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Report Related to Architecture of a Media Server

In the report you should have the following:
1. A one- to two-page summary of a brief history of the server.
2. A three- to five-page summary of the functionalities of the media server. At a minimum you should describe all technical details including the streaming protocols used or available, the clients supported, the formats supported, support of multicast, any compliance issues, and platforms supported.
3. An installation and a system management example.
4. A list of references.
5. Total length of part 1 should be about 6 pages.

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Investigate details inside a codec using Theora and Vorbis

1. A one- to two-page summary of Vorbis.
2. Technical details including, but not limited to, sample rate, bit rate, compression ratio, support of variable and constant bit rate, brief specification of Vorbis.
3. A comparison of Vorbis and MP3. You may search the Internet for any comparison reports of listening quality. Note that you should give the comparison of different bit rates.
4. A list of references

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The text of original articles should be divided into sections with the headings: Abstract, Key-words, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, References, Tables and legend to figures. For a Case report include Abstract, Key-words Introduction, Case report, Discussion, References, Tables and Legends in that order. Do not use subheadings in these sections. Use double spacing throughout. Number pages consecutively, beginning with the title page. The language should be American English and the font Times new Roman font with size 12.

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Machine & Deep Learning algorithms for image classification

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesMachine & Deep Learning algorithms for image classification Krita Infomatics Best Academic Writing Services Word Count : 2500 words Points to Cover Have to write the paper comparing the machine and deep learning techniques in different fields. These references should be used in paper.  Two more topics to cover are classifiers in traffic signal…

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New Chemistry from Marine Natural Products off the NW Shelf

Critique original research data sets relevant to their field of study selecting appropriate
Discuss the relevance, validity and reliability of methods in the context of
experimental design.
Evaluate and interpret scientific information and data, both qualitative and quantitative,
relevant to applications of their subject area

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Business Marketing and Strategy

This assessment focusses on the first step in building a marketing plan. It asks you to research the market of the company you have chosen and identify segments or target markets that you can build on for your marketing plan for Assessment.
You will complete this assessment as an individual. For Assessment 3 you will form teams and select one of the businesses you have written on as individuals to develop a marketing plan building on the content you have developed for this assessment.

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People in Project Management

The module has two components of summative assessment. Component 1 is the peer review of a peer’s draft coursework. Component 2 is a piece of coursework. You can find a digital copy of this module assessment specification in the ‘Assessment and Submission’ folder on the Bb site. The module leader will use Seminar 2 to answer any questions you may have about the peer review and coursework.

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UK Writing Essay Services – The Ultimate List of the Top UK Writing Service Providers

Our writers have been working with us for years.
We are proud to be one of the best UK essay writing service providers. Our team consists of highly qualified professionals who have been working with us since many years. We provide our clients with high quality essays at affordable prices.

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Effectiveness of Chatbots deployed by Indian Insurance Companies

1.Outline and critically discuss what relevant research has been previously undertaken, in
the past, in your area of interest and why this project is necessary.
2.Outline and critically discuss why the research will be of value, in the future, and what the
anticipated impact of the outcomes will be.

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Statistical Analysis

The effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccination has been studied. First, prior to it being approved
through clinical trials. However, with the rolling out of the vaccination by countries, the
effectiveness studies have moved outside of lab-controlled environment.
While the vaccination cannot cure Covid-19, the use of it is linked to some level of prevention
and in reduction in more severe symptoms such as hospitalisation and death.

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Personal Professional Development BSS074-6

Learning Outcomes

Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding

 Systematic understanding of career planning and factors that impact on career trajectories and developing managerial and collaborative working strategies to identify and manage relevant personal and organisational related strategic leadership ambitions.

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A case study analysis of JDPi Automotive manufacturer

Learning Outcomes to be Assessed:
1 Evaluate common challenges faced by procurement and supply chain managers
and how to overcome them.
2 Appraise main contracting issues and the legal implications for major
programmes and projects for successful completion.
3 Critique the main legal issues that relate to the formation of relationships in supply

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Exploring various effects of Blackhole attack for simulation based performance analysis to eradicate network synthesis and vulnerabilities

Learning Outcomes tested in this assessment (from the Module Descriptor):
Knowledge & Understanding:
1. Deploy comprehensive knowledge and understanding of appropriate techniques and tools to plan, research and manage a computing technical project

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Critical evaluation for the challenges of data science

The Capstone Project Proposal will be the foundation of the project work undertaken by the student. The Proposal will be written of approx. 1500-2000 words; each section’s word count distribution is given below against each title. The project plan timelines and the references will not be included in the word count.

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Performance analysis of serverless Container – as-a-Service (CaaS)

Learning Outcomes tested in this assessment (from the Module Descriptor): Knowledge & Understanding: 1. Deploy comprehensive knowledge and understanding of appropriate techniques and tools to plan, research and manage a computing technical project[…]

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Feasibility of AI and ML in Risk Management & Security solutions for Overhaul Sentinel

The concluding part of our Masters programme was The Consultancy Project. It was designed to allow students to put various skills that was acquired throughout the
learning process into practice. This year, the logistic project was conducted on operational efficiency […]

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Critical analysis of importance of employee performance management in employee retention

Employee performance management is mostly focused on evaluating the productivity of workforces. However, the proposed study is aiming to evaluate the importance of employee performance management for HRM in employee retention.[…]

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Critical evaluation of the UAR health care system compliance with the strategic SDG goals: Challenges and Opportunities

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesCritical evaluation of the UAR health care system compliance with the strategic SDG goals: Challenges and Opportunities Krita Infomatics Best Academic Writing Services Research Proposal Word Count :  3000 words Learning Outcomes tested in this assessment (from the Module Descriptor): Knowledge & Understanding: 1. Deploy comprehensive knowledge and understanding of appropriate techniques and tools…

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MG5596 Strategic Management Coursework

The main objectives of this assessment are to develop: -(1) A critical understanding of application of strategic management theories into business practices of firms (2) Ability to evaluate the nature and complexity of strategic management[…]

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The Impact Of Sustainability Performance On Financial Analysis Of The List Of Companies

In the event that a student intends to conduct research outside of England, they will be subject to the local ethical review regulations of each country in which they intend to carry out the research […]

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Smart City Monitoring System Based on Internet of Things Technologies

REASSESSMENT :TASK Inthisassignmentyouareaskedtostudyandproduceadetailedtechnicalreportforasmartcitymonitoringsystem based on Internet of Things technologies. The aim of the system will be to collect information regarding the state of the city […]

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A study on the livelihood security of migrant children

The objectives of present study are as mentioned here under 1. To study the socio-economic conditions of children of migrant workers adopted by Jnanadeep Balavikas Kendra 2. To analyze the employment, income and expenditure patterns of among the migrant households[…]

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Research Report – Annotated Bibliography &Discussion

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesResearch Report – Annotated Bibliography &Discussion TASK Your task in this report is to write a research report. Please refer to the guide when preparingyour report to see what criteria and standards will be used to assess the work Research report:TaskYour task in this report is to write a research report. This report is…

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning-DATA4800

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesArtificial Intelligence and Machine Learning-DATA4800 Assessment DescriptionThis assessment seeks to simulate a real-world task that you may have to undertake in the future. Therefore, the assignment is non-prescriptive and requires you to pose a relevant, small, creative and significant problem to solve that could result in benefits to the organisation of choice.In this assessment,…

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Cost Accounting – COAC216

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesCost Accounting – COAC216 Type of Assessment: Assessment 3 – Group Report (Maximum 5 students in a group)Length/Duration:2,000 words (excluding executive summary, table of content, heading & subheading, references, appendix & tables)Unit Learning Outcomesaddressed: Discuss various approaches to performance evaluation and control invarious types of organisations. Discuss the changing role of management accounting. Select…

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MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesMIS605 Systems Analysis and Design Instructions Please read the attached MIS605_ Assessment 1_Case Study. Note that every piece ofinformation provided in the following case serves a purpose. Once you have completed reading the case study. Please answer the following questions:Question 1 (10 mark).Identify all the human and non-human actors within the system. Provide brief…

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TweetShareSharePin0 SharesSUPERMARKET SALES FORECAST (REGRESSION PROBLEM) Objectives In this assignment we will wrangle the data from a real-life dataset to understand different data wrangling techniques. To conduct data exploration, preparation and transformation through different methods To prepare the data ready for modeling, build and evaluate a simple linear regression model. To document the analysis, comparison…

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Advanced Financial Accounting- HA3011

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesAdvanced Financial Accounting- HA3011 Assignment SpecificationsPurpose:This assignment aims at assessing students on the Learning Outcomes 1 to 8 as mentioned above.Assignment Instructions and RequirementsEach student has been allocated a subject company for completing this assignment. In the excel file“Find Your Company” locatedunder “Assessments”onBlackboard, you will find the listed company thatyou have been allocated forthis…

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BBM210/03 – Entrepreneurship Development

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesBBM210/03 – Entrepreneurship Development Instructions: As this is an individual assignment, you are advised not to share with others. Please answer all the questions. Please write all your answers in essay format. Do not answer in point-form unlessthe questions mention “List” or “State”. It is not necessary to precede each answerwith an introduction and…

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Research papers on A financial X-ray to identify the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on CFS customers

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesResearch papers on A financial X-ray to identify the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on CFS customers Getting Started on Your Thesis Proposal Step 1: Identify a general area to research. (for a quick paper for ACML) Financial X-ray of Customers using ML methods GAN-BERT (Long-term study) PhD … Step 2: Formulate a research question…

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Research proposal in the field of Computer Science and Engineering

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesResearch proposal in the field of Computer Science and Engineering Research proposal in the field of Computer Science and Engineering. Proposal for Ph.D. admission in a foreign country.You will be well aware of a research proposal format but I am just mentioning the structure university needs:1.Title2.Abstract3.Introduction4.Literature Review5.Problem Statement6.Research Methodology7.Conclusion8.References Additionally, this paper would have…

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Literature Review about small object detection

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesLiterature Review about small object detection 1500 words Topic : A literature review about small object detection. 1. Why do we care about small object so much? 200 words 2. What is the problem of object detection now? 200 words 3. What’s the difficulty of detecting small objects in object detection? 300 words 4.…

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TweetShareSharePin0 SharesAPPLIED MARKET RESEARCH- MKT5AMR ASSESSMENT TASK 1: INDIVIDUAL RESEARCH PROPOSAL (40%) DUE WEEK 6Word limit: 2500 wordsThe individual assignment is designed to allow you to work on your own. Please refer to the Research Brief in Appendix A. Youare then required to formulate appropriate research objectives and hypotheses, design a methodology, and prepare a…

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Business Law-Internal Assignment Applicable for June 2021

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesBusiness LawInternal Assignment Applicable for June 2021 List out the implied warranties under the Sales of Goods Act, 1930 and provide anexample explaining each implied warranty. (10 Marks)For Theoretical AnswerAssessment Parameter WeightageIntroduction 20%Concepts and Applicationrelated to the question60%Conclusion 20%For Numerical AnswerAssessment Parameter WeightageUnderstanding and usageof the formula20%Procedure / Steps 50%Correct Answer &Interpretation30% Explain in…

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TweetShareSharePin0 SharesITECH1104 – CLOUD AND ENTERPRISE COMPUTING ITECH1104 – CLOUD AND ENTERPRISE COMPUTING Assignment Specification Title: ITECH1104 Node-RED Application with IBM Cloud Due Date/Time: <to insert> Overview Node-RED is an innovative visual wiring tool to connect edge computing systems such as industrial automation controllers to cloud services such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) IoT, IBM…

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CORP5060 Assessment 2 – Essay

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesCORP5060 Assessment 2 – Essay Assessment briefsThe assessment for this module consists of two components.Assessment 1 Assessment 2Type Individual presentation 5 mins and Individual essay 2,500 wordsWeighting 30% 70%9.2. Assessment 2: Individual essay (70%)You are required to answer one of the following questions. In 1970 Milton Friedman famously argued that “The social responsibility ofbusiness…

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HRMG5064 – People, Management and Organizations Individual Essay

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesHRMG5064 – People, Management andOrganizations Module assessment HRMG5064 – People, Management andOrganizations.Type: Individual Essay 3,500 words Academic Year: 2020/2021 (Semester two) Credit value: 15Module Assessment: 2020/2021The assessment for this module will consist of a 3500 word (+-10%) critical andanalytical essay. The task accounts for the full 100% of the mark for the entiremodule. The…

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Project Plan – ISYS5001

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesProject Plan – ISYS5001 Project Plan – Teamwork GROUP ASSIGNMENT Submit your completed Project Plan Assessment to the blackboard under the Assessment Folder. One student must submit Project Plan Assessment power point slides on the behalf of the group to the Blackboard via the Turnitin. Each group member must submit 4 self-peer evaluation forms…

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Unit IG2: Risk assessment

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesUnit IG2: Risk assessment You should aim to complete this section in 150 – 200 words. Topic Comments Name of organisation*   Site location*   Number of workers   General description of the organisation   Description of the area to be included in the risk assessment   Any other relevant information     *…

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HRMG5064 – People, Management and Organizations.

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesHRMG5064 – People, Management andOrganizations. Type: Individual Essay 3,500 wordsDate of submission:19th May 2021 – 12 noon latest.Academic Year: 2020/2021 (Semester two) Credit value: 15Module Assessment: 2020/2021The assessment for this module will consist of a 3500 word (+-10%) critical andanalytical essay. The task accounts for the full 100% of the mark for the entiremodule.…

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CIS3015-N Research Paper on Specialist Networks

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesCIS3015-N Research Paper on Specialist Networks Specialist Networks 2019/20 The assessment consists of a single component assessing all learning outcomes. You are required to work individually and select a subject area from among those included in the module and choose an avenue of investigation and implementation with that chosen area as the theme. Submission will…

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Literature Review on ” Role of soft computing techniques for behavioral disorders

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesLiterature Review on ” Role of soft computing techniques for behavioral disorders The paper should be 8-9 pages double-column IEEE format with font size 11. (2500 words)Total of 5 tables. TweetShareSharePin0 Shares

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Project, Programme and Portfolio Management KB7031

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesProject, Programme and Portfolio Management KB7031 Assessment Details3.1 Module Learning Outcomes (MLOs). Establish a conceptual understanding of the complex scenarios that multiple and major projectsenvironments and settings have, including the relationships between projects, programmes orportfolios within host organisations. Critically appraise existing project management knowledge and identify areas that can improveaspects of project delivery for…

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TweetShareSharePin0 SharesGLOBAL MARKETING AND SALES DEVELOPMENT 3000 words maximum. GLOBAL MARKETING AND SALES DEVELOPMENT You will be allocated a country and required to conduct a business environment audit relevant to international expansion to that country. You should conduct a PESTLE analysis for your allocated country, describe and evaluate those aspects of the environment (political, legal,…

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Free Criminology Essay- classicism and positivism

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesFree Criminology Essay- classicism and positivism To what extent is crime the product of individual free will?discuss in relation to classicism and positivism.-The concept of nature over nurture-compare and contrast with other theories-Examine the extent to which biology impacts on criminality.-Newburn, T.(2017) third edition -thats the text to use.use. – Min 18 references Explain…

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Information Governance Portfolio

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesInformation Governance Portfolio This assessment constitutes 100% of the overall module mark. It covers all the module  learning outcomes as detailed below: Personal & Transferable Skills 1. Critically evaluate a data governance implementation plan created for a specified business  need and reflect on any potential changes and improvements (PT2) 2. Communicate effectively and professionally…

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Tri 1 Business Finance 010 – MOD003319

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesTri 1 Business Finance 010 – MOD003319 1.1 Case Study – T shirts LtdYou are a finance trainee for a company of Vests plc and have been asked by your marketing manager toreview the business of your key competitor T-shirts plc and to assist her with helping the marketing teamunderstand financial information.You know that…

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MD121 Digital Marketing Individual Written Report

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesMD121 Digital Marketing Individual Written Report Learning outcomesAfter successfully completing the course the student will be able to:Knowledge:On successful completion of this course the candidate:• Understand the theoretical and practical relationship between digital marketing andcorporate strategy.• Explain theories of the value creation of interactive marketing communications, searchengine marketing, and interactive public relations to a…

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TweetShareSharePin0 SharesARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN HEALTHCARE: ADDRESSING USER AUTHENTICATION IN TELEMEDICINE Write about an organization which had cybersecurity issues about AI in telemedicine and what intervention they have taken in case studies) Introduction Brief Introduction to the cyber-security intervention/innovation topic. Specify your project as a research-oriented project or a practice-oriented project. Origin/Background of the cybersecurity intervention  /innovation. Defining…

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