Assessment Brief

Global Strategy and Sustainability!

This module is assessed through one graded elementworth 100%. You must achieve at least 50% to pass this module.

PART A -BUSINESS REPORT (70 MARKS) : In the role of a Management Consultant,you are required to undertake an overall strategy review of Tesla and provide a business report to the CEO on further growth opportunities using the techniques and concepts you have covered in the module.

PART B–POWERPOINT PRESENTATION (30 MARKS) : In the role of a Management Consultant,you are required to provide a short PowerPoint presentation to the CEO of Tesla on key points of interestand relevant recommendationsto the CEO regarding future sustainable development.


DeWit, B (2020), Strategy, An International Perspective; 7th edition, Cengage Learning EMEA, Andover, Hampshire

STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO CONDUCT THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT RESEARCH FOR THIS COMPANY ALSO.Get answers at the best rates only @ Krita Infomatics! 100% no plagiarism. Get answers- Global Strategy and Sustainability!


PART A-Business Report (3000 words) –70 MARKS

In the role of a Management Consultant,you are required to undertake an overall strategy review of Tesla and provide a business report to the CEO on further growth opportunities using the techniques and concepts you have covered in the module.

  • Task 1-The External and Internal Environment (15Marks)
    • oIdentify and critically analyse the external and internal environment for Tesla using relevant models.
    • Discuss in more detail what you consider to be the 3 most critical factors emerging from your analysis. 
    • Determine Tesla’s current sources of competitive advantage and critically evaluate how they maintain and build on this competitive advantage. 
    • Support your arguments with academic literature and references to other similar real companies.
  • Task 2 –Strategy in the Global Environment (15 Marks)
    • Using relevant models for analysing how organisations enter into foreign markets, critically evaluate the motives for Tesla expanding internationally and explain how this impacts their overall company strategy.
    • Provide justified recommendations for the different strategies Tesla can use to compete in the global environment.o
    • Support your arguments with academic literature and references to other similar real companies.
  • Task 3–Corporate Strategy (15Marks)
    • Evaluate and critically analyse the use ofhorizontal integration, vertical integration, outsourcingor strategic alliances.
    • Provide recommendations as to how Tesla can increase their profitability. 
    • Support your arguments with academic literature and references to other similar real companies.
  • Task 4–Strategic Purpose –Ethics and CSR (15Marks)
    • Using relevant theoretical models analyse and evaluate Tesla’s CSR strategy.
    • Identify and criticallydiscuss the main ethical issues which Tesla currently facesand provide recommendations as to how they can address these.
    • Support your arguments with academic literature and references to other similar real companies.


You must use the Harvard System.