Word count: 3500 words
Objectives to cover:
- An introduction which presents the global brand you selected and briefly describes the background about this brand including its history, vision/mission, and performance.
- A brand inventory, which includes a critical analysis of the global branding strategy, brand positioning, and brand elements of the global brand you selected. In this analysis you need to consider the country where the brand was originally developed plus at least one additional country where the brand is present.
- A brand exploratory, which consists of a critical analysis of the consumer-based brand equity of the global brand you selected. In your brand exploratory you need to consider the same countries that you considered in the brand inventory and compare / contrast.
- Development of globally relevant managerial recommendations on how to develop the brand in the long-term. Based on your previous analysis in the brand inventory and brand exploratory
sections, what opportunities can you identify for the brand
Reference: Harvard Referencing style