The following elements to be included:

Title page
To include the project title, learner ID, and the word count.
Table of Contents
Use the facility in Word to create this and insert contents. Use ‘Heading 1’ and ‘Heading 2’ in the style menu to make this work. Separate lists of tables and figures may also be included.
A summary of the research, detailing the background and purpose of the review, the methods used, the findings from the discussion of the literature, and conclusions drawn.
This chapter should provide an overview of the research topic and the purpose of the literature review. It should also include a brief background on the topic and explain why it is important. It should include sections on:
Background and Rationale:
Sets the context that justifies the choice of research topic. Offers an insight into current practice using information from a background search relevant to the chosen topic.
This should also include why the topic is of interest to the learner, possibly linking to their clinical practice.
Project Aims:
States the aims and objectives of the literature review, what it intends to achieve, and how it will do this. Outlines a research topic and identifies and discusses the key concepts emerging from the background review that should be investigated to address the research question.
This chapter should explain the methods used to identify appropriate literature for analysis, define the research question, and detail the search strategy used to find the literature, identifying synonyms, keywords and search terms, explaining and justifying resources and databases used, and defining the inclusion and exclusion criteria using a priori reasoning.

REFERENCE : Harvard referencing style.