Learning outcomes
1. Understand the principles of Lean Management and Six Sigma Quality.
2. Ability and understanding of how to carry out Process Improvement.
3. Ability and understanding of how to use Lean and Improvement tools to identify
and solve process problems
4. Critical application and understanding of how to apply Lean and Improvement
techniques in real-world environment.
5. Synthesise and critically evaluate lean improvement methodologies and have an
understanding of how they are linked to environmental, social and governance
factors in sustainability.

The assignment is a report on one of the following 3 options:

Option 1: 
Develop a process map based on the following diagram: distribution of the CoVid 19
vaccine from the factory to where you were living in 2020/21. 
Explore how lean management could have improved the process. You may use your
own experience as well as published information (official sources/ media) to set up the

Option 2.
Explore how lean management and process improvement can contribute to ESG
progress in a specific sector – you may choose both a particular industry and a specific
country to analyse.
ESG targets will encompass addressing environmental, social and governance issues
where relevant.

Option 3.
During a global recession – low income, stagnant growth; how can 5S/ SMED/ Pokayoke (choose 1) help in process improvements generally. Choose a specific industry –
you may choose a particular industry in a specific country to analyse.

Note: you may not choose motor racing as a sector if you choose SMED as a

Suggested Format:

Executive Summary – this is a summary of every section of your report – not just “what you did”; but also “what you found out”. Usually you write this when everything thing else is done. (Presentation of Knowledge)

Introduction and Current State – this introduces your report as well as provide background to what the current situation is and why improvement is needed. You may wish to prepare a process map to illustrate your points. (Presentation of Knowledge)

Improvement Objectives – what are the critical issues in your planned improvement? List at least 3 and explain why they are critical. (Presentation of Knowledge)

Analytical Methods – what techniques are you choosing to use for your analysis and why did you choose these. (Application of Knowledge)

Understanding the Techniques – this is where you demonstrate your understanding of the techniques and what are your findings. (Application of

Future State – this is what the process will look like once your improvements are implemented. (A process map is usually a good idea at this point.) (Application of Knowledge)

Conclusions – this is where you demonstrate why your proposed improvement will deliver the benefits and explain what these benefits are. (Application of Knowledge)

Clarity of Report – this is where you impress your reader with clear layout, no typos, acceptable grammar and diagrams that are not too small to read. (Presentation of Knowledge)

Referencing Style: Harvard Reference style