Word Count : 1000 words

This assignment is an individual Report.

This assignment requires you to write a grant application to Sport England for a given sports organisation. You will be given a case study sports club and are required to prepare a grant application for them.

In your application, which will be completed on a given template, you should:

  • Explain the problem or need that the grant would address.
  • Explain how you would carry out consultation.
  • Indicate the impact the grant would have.
  • Provide a basic costing sheet.
  • Provide a step-by-step implementation schedule.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Critically discuss the policy debates between mass participation and elite performance and assess how these are manifested in national and international strategies.
  2. Appraise the sources of funding available to sport organisations and write a convincing grant bid

Reference style: 7th Edition Referencing