CIS108-6 Data Modelling, Management and Governance:

Report (design) and implementation

1. Exhibit a balanced and systematic understanding and knowledge of data modelling and management theory and data governance practice (including querying languages).

2. Apply knowledge of data modelling and management concepts to design, develop and critically evaluate an information system within a chosen field of interest

This assessment is an individual assignment.

You are required to design (use-case diagram and Entity Relationship Model (ERM) a database solution for a sports club record system.

The sports club scenario

You have been employed as a database designer to design and implement a new membership record system that is capable of storing information about members, sports club staff and sports activity bookings.

Each sports club member needs to have a unique member reference number, as well as storing first name, surname, address, telephone number, email address and date of birth and any medical conditions.

Each sports club staff member has a unique staff number, first name, surname, role and a contact number.

Each member can book up to five sports classes per week. Each sports class has a unique class code, title, day and time of delivery.

The system should allow an instructor (sports club staff member) to search for the activities running on a particular day. Each member can only sign up for one sports during any two-hour time slot (9am-5pm) and no activities that overlap can be booked concurrently.

Sports club staff members and staff can check and update their personal details, sports centre staff can record attendance for a class they are teaching, and each member can view their daily or weekly activity bookings.

As part of this assignment, you must produce and hand-in the following:

1. A use-case diagram that identifies the key actors and use-cases in the system, as well as clearly displaying which use cases each actor has access to.

2. An Entity Relationship Model (ERM) that outlines the database structure required to implement the new sports club record system. Your database should be called ‘Sports Club Management System’.

3. SQL statements used to create each of the tables in the database

4. Three SQL queries:

a. one that shows how a sports club member can view their current bookings;

b. one that displays the current weekly activities for the sports club.

c. Show most active members monthly (most bookings and most attendance)

As part of your report you should explain your design process and decisions, and identify any issues or challenges that you faced in each step. A single report containing items 1-4, plus your design decisions and challenges should be submitted online via the Assessment and Feedback area.