Word Count : 3000
Write a data management plan (DMP) – for a digital project to be undertaken by an organisation of your choosing.
A DMP is a document describing various aspects about the management of the data including acquisition, manipulation, storage, analysis, and reporting. It is necessary for any project based on the use of data and making decisions from data. The individual assignment is an opportunity to develop the precision and detail that is necessary for practice. It will normally be a developed project and will develop rigour, precision and transparency in the application and its context. It is an opportunity to demonstrate appreciation of the opportunities of DDDM technologies, and to provide a framework of ideas about how to implement an associated change programme, using intelligent methods to guide the process.
• You should demonstrate a good understanding of the application of DDDM
technologies into organisations.
• Your assessed pieces should be thorough, show good precision and detail, and
it should be well researched and practical.
• Each part should be integrated together, with a logical flowing argument.
• Where appropriate, you should display awareness of related relevant theory,
concepts, and literature.
• You should develop your work with a well-argued case with an appropriate
structure and follow academic conventions regarding referencing etc.
• You should relate the issues to your personal experience and reflections, and
thus the conclusions that you draw should include a discussion of the
implications at a personal level.
• You should distil the implications of any theoretical discourse for management
knowledge and practice.
Reference Style : Harvard Referencing