Structure of the paper

1. Title: Education Can Reduce Poverty and Social Inequality 
2. Abstract (250 words max),
2. Keywords (5 words max),
3. List of Abbreviations (if any),
4. Introduction (500 words max)
5. Background of the Study (500 words max)
6. Statement of the Problem (500 words max)
7. Aims and Objectives of the Study (500 words max)
8. Research Questions (minimum 5 questions and 500 words max)
9. Significance of this Study (500 words max)
10. Research Methodology (500 words max)
11. Conceptual Clarification and Literature Review (literature review must be related to research questions), (1,500 words max)
12. Conclusion (500 words max)
13. Recommendations (500 words max)
15. References (Need a proof of each reference PDF, screenshot of the specific page of the book or journal).

Reference Style : APA format