Word Count : 3000 words

Learning Outcomes Assessed:

  1. Demonstrate systematic understanding of advanced concepts of digital signal  processing methods and systems engineering concepts, tools and techniques.
  2. Autonomously apply rigorous signal processing and systems engineering  processes, implement solutions to selected problems with optimised  performance and minimised risk and critically evaluate and present the results.

Report :

Stakeholders – identify at least four stakeholders that are directly related to this project. Explain their roles and objectives specific to this project

Requirements – identify at least two user or functional requirements for each stakeholder identified. They should meet the key characteristics of a properly formed requirement as explained in the course material and discussed in the lectures/tutorials

Functional Flow Block Diagram (FFBD) – provide an FFBD showing at least two levels of functionality for this system. The FFBD should follow the design as explained in the course material and discussed in the lectures/tutorials

Risks – identify four risks that need to be considered for a system like this. Indicate the likelihood, potential impact and suggest a mitigation for each. Determine whether this is a high or low risk project and explain your reasons why

Quality – identify two areas where the quality of the system will be particularly important. Indicate how these could be tested.

Reference Style : Harvard Style