EAC3019-N Group Design
The coursework for this module will be a group design exercise. For this assignment
you are required to work in your pre-allocated group. There is a total of 100 marks
available for the ICA of this module which has two components.
Component 1: A group presentation and question and answer session based on the
design solution for an industrially relevant electrical engineering problem. The mark
awarded will comprise a single group mark for the presentation aid and an individual
mark for the student’s presentation and response to questions. (40% of total marks).
Component 2: A group report of 10 pages or equivalent based on the design solution
to an industrially relevant electrical engineering problem. Evaluation of an individual’s
contribution to the performance of the group will be based on tutor moderated self and
peer assessment. An Evidence File Portfolio, including documents such as minutes of
group meetings, action lists, Gantt charts and staff observation of team meetings, will
be used by the tutor to moderate the self and peer assessment. (60% of total marks).
Structure of the Report
The report should adhere to the following guidance:
• The report should have an Abstract, Title page and a Contents page, and each
page should be numbered.
• Not including the Abstract, Title, contents, references or appendix pages, the
report should be a maximum of 10 pages long including equations, figures,
illustrations and tables.
• References should follow the Teesside University Harvard standard described
in ‘Cite them Right’ available at:
• Figures and tables are to be numbered with a caption describing the
figure/table. They are to be neat and of a readable size. (Note screen dumps
In Course Assessment (ICA)
EAC3019-N Group Design
BNEE52007A, BHME52007A_EAC3019-N Group Design
In class Assessment: 29 March 2021 Page 2 of 4
showing PVSyst software outputs are difficult to read – so you should consider
saving the variables to a spread sheet software like excel and generating plots
using the spread sheet software).
• The caption should indicate the primary feature observable in the viewing the
• Brevity is commendable.
• Appendices should be used for additional information such as extracts from
data sheets. However, it is important that the report be readable and
understandable without reference to the appendices.
If any parts of the exercise are unclear, please ask the module tutor for clarification.
Structure of the presentation
• The presentation should adhere to the following guidance:
• Names of all team members should be shown on the title page.
• Each page except the title page should be numbered.
• One slide should be dedicated to a table showing the contribution of each
team member.
• The following questions should be taken into consideration while designing
the presentation:
▪ Does it have an introduction and a conclusion?
▪ Does it flow logically from beginning to end?
▪ Are your slides clear, easy to comprehend and aid understanding?
• The colour scheme of figures and their axes label font sizes should be chosen
with audience visibility from a distance in mind.
What you say, especially in response to questions, will influence your overall
presentation mark, so be well prepared.
Group project assignment: Design Brief
For this assignment you are required to work in your group to
- analyse the technical and economic feasibility of grid-connected PV
(photovoltaic) system designs for a hospital building of your choice - recommend a design choice based on the technical and economic analysis,
and - generate a design brief for the client
using the methods, you have learned in the preparatory lectures and in other taught
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EAC3019-N Group Design
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▪ Preparation of responsibility allocation sheet and project Gantt chart and
updating of these documents as necessary.
▪ Conduct an annual load analysis in terms of lighting, refrigeration, security
systems, electrical heating, and custom equipment like conveyers, till etc.
focussing on the hours of operation in order to estimate the annual energy
(kWh) consumption.
▪ Consider at least 4 PV cell technology alternatives for the PV array along with
at least 2 inverter alternatives i.e. a minimum of 8 grid-connected PV system
design alternatives.
▪ Use an appropriate solar data resource such as PVGIS, SolarGIS, NASA etc.
to identify and import location’s solar data to PVSyst software.
▪ Model and simulate the 8 grid-connected PV system design alternatives in
▪ Evaluate the quality of the systems designs using performance ratio (PR). If PR
is below 80% revise the systems design to reach this target. If it becomes
impossible to reach PR of 80% with the PV/inverter technology investigate and
identify the reasons why it is so.
▪ Create a technical feasibility matrix based on PR, its monthly variations, energy
supply to the load and other technical factors of your choice. Use a rank system
to identify the best design.
▪ Conduct Payback Period (PP) and Net Present Value (NPV) analysis for all
system designs based on the Capital costs (cost of PV modules, cost of
inverters, approximate cost of balance of system components such as cables,
wires, transformers (if needed) etc.), Operating costs (maintenance cost,
inverter replacement costs etc.), Inflation and Discount rates. For Discount rate
consider both use of clients own money and borrowing from a bank.
▪ Complete the design brief for the client by including in addition to pertinent
information or relevant outputs from the above activities, information on health
and safety, legal/ethical and environmental aspects as appropriate to the
designed system.
Job allocation
Task identification and job allocation to team members is the responsibility of team
members. A description signed by all team members of the group’s project in terms of
aforementioned activities and which team member is on which task has to be emailed
to the module tutor before commencing activities in the group project week.
Minutes of meeting
A minute of meeting should be recorded and submitted by email to the module tutor
for every half day during the group project week and every day when the team is
required to meet formally after the group project week.
In Course Assessment (ICA)
EAC3019-N Group Design
BNEE52007A, BHME52007A_EAC3019-N Group Design
In class Assessment:
Self and peer assessment
Details of the tutor moderated self and peer assessment scheme can be found in the
Assessment folder on blackboard.
If any parts of the exercise are unclear, please ask the module tutor for clarification.
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