MKT 7004 – Multi-Channel Strategic Marketing
Learning Outcomes Covered Design and plan a digital campaign for a chosen brand/retailer, which critically evaluates the implications and practicalities of instigating such a campaign. Critically evaluate key aspects of law and codes of governing digital marketers and digital marketing campaigns.
The Impact of Coronavirus on Digital Marketing in Asia
At the eve of Chinese New Year, China has been struck with another deadly viral flu
outbreak called New Corona. According to the latest statistics issued by the global
health official’s impact is severe and getting worse. As per the news reports, so far
coronavirus outbreak that has killed at least 1,100 people and sickened more than
45,500 could get worse before it gets better. As of Today, there were another two
clusters of the virus outside of China; one on a cruise ship docked in Japan, and a
handful of cases in southern England. At least 174 people from the cruise have been
diagnosed with the disease, and hundreds more were being tested. As the World
Health Organization there are no sign of coronavirus outbreak is settling in or outside
Apart from the direct social, economic and political impacts of the coronavirus, there
is indirect impact of the outbreak on the Digital Marketing, particularly on neighboring
markets in Asia such as Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, India and Sri Lanka.
Owing to the changes in search key words due to coronavirus outbreak new trends
has been emerged in recent weeks.
According to the analytics reports across Asian markets, there is a big spikes in search
interest seen for the keyword “coronavirus” in the searcher’s respective language.
Google Trends shows the searches reach as high as 100 across all markets; an increase
that began in the third week of January 2020 and peaked in the last week of the same month1. The increase in interest around the keyword “coronavirus” created an
opportunity for businesses in the medical vertical offering related services, so let’s
look at the search engine results pages for the keyword query across search engines
in Asia.
Recently, search interest for the keyword “mask” has drastically risen in countries like
Japan, Korea and Sri Lanka as a result from information that masks are an important
factor in protecting people from the virus. The increase in search interest is not as high
in Taiwan and Hong Kong for the same keyword, which could be because masks were
already used as part of their daily necessities.
When the Corona outbreak spread last week, people have used to connect the
coronavirus with world leading brands. According to Google Trends, searches for
“corona beer virus,” “beer virus,” and “beer coronavirus” increased substantially
worldwide. Searches for “corona beer virus” jumped 2,300 percent globally from
January 18 to January 26, Business Insider reported. Searches for “beer virus” jumped 744 percent and searches for “beer coronavirus” jumped 3,233 percent2.
Owing to the short term trends emerging with the coronavirus, digital marketers are
advised to be alert in the search trends and Businesses in the related vertical that do
not consider Coronavirus to be a significant opportunity need to carefully monitor
daily spend because broad-match keywords may trigger incremental traffic potentially
from the search query term.
Based on the case study, you are required to answer the following questions in a report using additional reading materials. Provide references of the materials you have used in Harvard method.
Task 1: Using related theory, critically discuss the reasons behind the emerging search trends around the coronavirus (20 Marks)
Task 2: Analyse how trends around the coronavirus outbreak would effect on hospitality vertical in Sri Lanka. While explaining the emerging threats, also recognise the potential opportunities arising (30 Marks)
Task 3: Assuming you are working in the hospitality industry. Develop a multi-channel marketing plan considering the digital marketing trends emerging around the coronavirus. Clearly indicate the content development aspects such as i. Storyline of the campaign 2. Sample social media post (50 Marks)
Criteria for marking
Answer provided should suit instruction verb in each task e.g. Analyse: Break the information into constituent parts; examine the relationship between the parts; question the information. Discuss: Investigate or examine by argument; debate; give reason for and against; examine the implications of the topic. Be critical: Identify what is good and bad about the information and why; probe, question, identify inaccuracies or shortcomings in the information; estimate the value of the material.
Criteria # Excellent answer Good Answer Poor answer Very poor answer
20-16 15-10 9-5 4-0
Task 1 An excellent critical discussion of the reasons behind the emerging search trends around the coronavirus using theory of planned behavior/reasoned action with suitable references
Very good knowledge of theoretical frameworks/concepts demonstrated with excellent real examples as instructed in question. Answer consists of very good detail and depth. Very good answer structure and referencing.
Very good use of academically valid sources.
A critical discussion of the reasons behind the emerging search trends around the coronavirus using a relevant theory with references
Satisfactory level knowledge of theoretical frameworks/concepts with satisfactory level real examples demonstrated in answer as per requirement. Answer consists of good detail and depth. Good answer structure and referencing.
Good use of academically valid sources.
A Poor discussion of the reasons behind the emerging search trends around the coronavirus
Some of the key areas maybe partly fulfilled.
Poor answer format, structure and referencing
Incorrect or very poor discussion of the reasons behind the emerging search trends around the coronavirus.
Very poor answer format, structure and referencing
30-23 22-15 14-7 6-0
Task 2 An excellent analysis of trends around the coronavirus outbreak that would effect on hospitality vertical in Sri Lanka, with comprehensive explanation of the emerging threats and potential opportunities arising with suitable references
Very good knowledge of theoretical frameworks/concepts demonstrated with excellent real examples as instructed in question. Answer consists of very good detail and depth. Very good answer structure and referencing.
Very good use of academically valid sources.
A good analysis of trends around the coronavirus outbreak that would effect on hospitality vertical in Sri Lanka, with very good explanation of the emerging threats and potential opportunities arising with suitable references
Satisfactory level knowledge of theoretical frameworks/concepts with satisfactory level real examples demonstrated in answer as per requirement. Answer consists of good detail and depth. Good answer structure and referencing.
Good use of academically valid sources.
A poor analysis of trends around the coronavirus outbreak that would effect on hospitality vertical in Sri Lanka, with explanation of the emerging threats and potential opportunities arising with suitable references
Some of the key areas maybe partly fulfilled.
Poor answer format and structure.
A very poor analysis of trends around the coronavirus outbreak that would effect on hospitality vertical in Sri Lanka.
Very poor answer format, structure and referencing
38-50 25-37 12-24 0-11
Task 3 An excellent attempt to develop a multi-channel marketing plan considering the digital marketing trends emerging around the coronavirus. Clearly indicate the content development aspects such as
A good attempt to develop a multichannel marketing plan considering the digital marketing trends emerging around the coronavirus. Clearly indicate the content development aspects such as i. Storyline of the
A poor attempt to develop a multichannel marketing plan considering the digital marketing trends emerging around the coronavirus.
A very poor attempt to develop a multi-channel marketing plan considering the digital marketing trends emerging around the coronavirus.
i. Storyline of the campaign 2. Sample social media post
Very good knowledge of theoretical frameworks/concepts demonstrated with excellent answers for both subtasks.
Very good answer structure and referencing.
Very good use of academically valid sources.
campaign 2. Sample social media post
Good knowledge of theoretical frameworks/concepts demonstrated with satisfactory answers for both subtasks.
Satisfactory level answer structure and referencing.
Poor answer format, structure and referencing
Very poor answer format, structure and referencing
Paper Size : A4 Word Count : 1000 words Printing Margins : LHS; RHS: 1 Inch Binding Margin : ½ Inch Header and Footer : 1 Inch Printing : Single Sided Basic Font Size : 12 Font Style : Arial/Times New Roman
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