Assessment of Managing Organisational Reputation

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Krita Informatics Best Academic Writing Services

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the module, students should be able to:

1. Critically assess the rationale for managing corporate reputation in a global context.

2. Critically determining the scope of corporate reputation in a global context.

3. Critically evaluate the current corporate reputation, the nature of corporate brands now and in the future.

4. Synthesises the differing rationale and practices in using corporate communication in a global context.

5. Synthesise and critically evaluate the different methods through which corporate communications can be delivered in order to deliver effective messages and enhance reputation.

Assessment Overview

The assessment for this module consists of two Elements:

Element 1 Individual poster 25% – (+ paper of approx.1,000 words providing analysis, reasoning and conclusions)

Element 2 An individual project assignment for an international organisation 75%- (3,000 words +/- 10%)

Please note: in order to pass this module, you must achieve an overall mark of 50%. For each Element, 1 and 2, you must have a minimum mark of 40%.

Element 1

This assessment is designed to underscore the necessity of favourable organisational reputation and the challenges involved in developing positive corporate reputation

Key Components and Task

TaskIndividual assignment:   Students are expected to develop     a poster displaying the relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility programmes and organisational reputation, including its various implications on the management of reputation.  a 1000 words (+/- 10%) critical reflection (based on personal experience) about the CSR strategy of an organisation they have been part of (an employer, university, school, etc) and to what extent it has been (or not) instrumental in enhancing the reputation of the respective organisation. This part should be concluded by a brief description of practical recommendations for the organisation’s management on how to enhance their CSR programme thereby increasing its impact on shaping a positive corporate reputation.    Appendixes and the reference list are not to be included in the work count.  
Submission MethodVia the online learning management system.  
Classroom or other resourcesResources available through the virtual learning environment or other good secondary academic and industry sources.
Special instructionsPlease submit your poster as a pdf document. Please note that you can submit 1 single file only. If information is not available about the organisation of your choice, you are entitled to make assumptions about the capabilities and competencies of the organisation.  Your submission should demonstrate the following qualities: A critical appreciation of relevant literature and its use to support the claims you’ve made.Taking ownership of the content, being prepared to debate and argue a personal position, and providing evidence of evaluative skills. A submission made up of extracts from published sources that is descriptive or simply just theoretical regurgitation is not acceptable. Your submission must have interpretation and consideration of the challenges and issues of taking theory into practice.Logical flow of ideas and treatment; appropriate selection of real-world factors.
Submission DateMonday 18-Jan-21 no later than16:30 CET
Use of TurnitinAll submissions will be electronically checked for plagiarism.
Peer markingNone.
Feedback DateTBC
Feedback methodIn writing via the online gradebook.

Element 2

This assessment is designed to build upon the output of Element 1 and consider the challenges involved in building corporate reputation in culturally diverse international markets

Key Components and Task

TaskIndividual Assignment, Essay 3000 words (+/- 10%)   Working as an internal business advisor for a major Food company, you are asked by your line manager to undertake a literature review on the various sources of reputational risk as well as their implications on reputation management and to critically discuss to what extent they apply to the Food industry. Develop a strategy on how to pro-actively address reputation risks in the Food Industry. You are given a piece of literature to start with (Eccles et al 2007). A more extended literature review is required.        
Submission MethodVia the online learning management system.
Classroom or other resourcesResources available through the virtual learning environment or other good secondary academic and industry sources.   The given source is:   Eccles, R.G.; Newquist, S.C.; Schatz, R. (2007): Reputation and its Risks. Harvard Business Review, Feb 2007. Available under:    
Special instructionsPlease use academic theories, models and concepts to support your arguments.  If information is not available about the food industry, you are entitled to make assumptions about the capabilities, competencies and industry factors in this industry.  Your submission should demonstrate the following qualities: A critical appreciation of relevant literature and its use to support the claims you’ve made.Taking ownership of the content, being prepared to debate and argue a personal position, and providing evidence of evaluative skills. A submission made up of extracts from published sources that is descriptive or simply just theoretical regurgitation is not acceptable. Your submission must have interpretation and consideration of the challenges and issues of taking theory into practice.Logical flow of ideas and treatment; appropriate selection of real-world factors.Evidence of personal research and the ability to analyse material from a variety of appropriate relevant perspectives.  
Submission DateFriday 22-Jan-21 no later than16:30 CET
Use of TurnitinAll submissions will be electronically checked for plagiarism.
Peer markingNone.
Feedback DateFeedback will be given to individuals. Your work will normally be marked and moderated within 3 weeks of submission. Exact feedback date TBC.
Feedback methodEvery student or group will receive feedback that will help them improve. Feedback, if written it will be typed, and it will also be discussed in the relevant workshop. You can request a F2F meetings. All borderline or failing students will have a F2F meeting with the Module Leader or Pastoral Tutor.
Assessment Criteria Distinction (70 – 100%) The work demonstrates a preponderance of the following characteristics: •           An excellent level of critical analyses and comment on the issues at the forefront of the subject area. •           There is evidence of extensive critical reference to business and other relevant sources appropriate to the task(s) along with strong and well-argued propositions using, where relevant, examples from current practice. •           The material is wholly relevant to the task(s). •           Outstanding critical analysis and synthesis with the ability to tackle with confidence issues and situations not previously encountered. •           Evidence of the exercise of sound business judgment and, where appropriate, an innovative and creative solution to the resolution of business needs and problems. •           Excellent presentation in terms of structure, language and professional style. •           All requirements of the work are dealt with to the highest standard and the work is free from all errors.   Merit (60 – 69%) The work demonstrates a preponderance of the following characteristics: •           Very good level of critical analyses and comment on the issues at the forefront of the subject area •           There is extensive evidence of very good use of reference to business and other relevant sources appropriate to the task(s) along with strong and well-argued propositions using, where relevant, examples from current business practice. •           The material is wholly relevant to the task(s). •           Very good critical analysis and synthesis with the ability to tackle issues and situations not previously encountered. •           Evidence of the exercise of sound professional judgment and, where appropriate, an innovative and creative solution to the resolution of business needs and problems. •           Very well presented in terms of structure, language and professional style. •           All requirements of the work are dealt with to a high standard and the work is free from all but isolated minor errors.   Pass (50 – 59%) The work demonstrates a preponderance of the following characteristics: •           A very good understanding of the issues in the subject or area of professional practice, some of which are likely to be complex. •           There is evidence of reference to business and other relevant sources appropriate to the task(s) along with well-structured propositions using, where relevant, examples from current practice. •           Most of the requirements of the work are covered with only a few gaps or some minor and inconsequential errors. •           The material is largely relevant to the task(s). •           Very good critical analysis and synthesis with evidence of some ability to tackle issues not previously encountered. •           Evidence of the exercise of professional judgment and, where appropriate, some evidence that the student has considered an innovative and creative solution to the resolution of client’s needs and problems. •           The work is presented in a clear and well-organised manner with good professional style and containing only minor spelling and grammatical errors.   Fail Standard Range (35 – 49%) The work demonstrates a preponderance of the following characteristics: •           An unsatisfactory critical analyses and comment on the issues in the subject or area of business practice.  Little evidence of reference to practice or relevant sources appropriate to the task(s). •           Only some of the requirements of the work are met and there are likely to be significant gaps. •           The work is primarily descriptive with weak or no attempt at critical analysis and synthesis.  There is little evidence of ability to tackle issues not previously encountered. •           Little or no evidence of the exercise of business judgment and ideas are likely to be poorly expressed and organised. •           The work is poorly presented and contains poor spelling and grammatical errors.   Fail Lower Range (0 – 34%) The work demonstrates a preponderance of the following characteristics: •           The work lacks a basic critical analyses and comment on the issues in the subject or area of business practice.  There is no evidence of background research appropriate to the task(s). •           The work demonstrates a lack of understanding of the requirements of the task(s).  •           No attempt at critical analysis and synthesis with no evidence of ability to tackle issues not previously encountered. •           No evidence of the exercise of business judgment and the work is unstructured. •           The work is very poorly presented and contains many spelling and grammatical errors.

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